Thursday, July 30, 2015

Lovetraction Reivew

Absence makes the heart grow fonder. People do not say things like that for hundreds of years unless they are true. Now, this may come as a shock, but all love is hypnosis. No, not the kind where you swing a watch in front of someone's face and make them start begging for sex.


Now, do not confuse attraction and love. The attraction is Lovetraction Review when you look at someone, and wants to become the way they move, speak or look, do you want them. They create these feelings inside of you that are designed by Mother Nature to keep plenty of people around.

Love is something completely different. It's something we generate ourselves, when the object of our desires is not around. We think about them. We imagine that they are with us when they are not. We start to associate things that are familiar to us as our daily activities with them because they are always in our thoughts.

So how do you create this in a woman? Easy. Take it with you in mind when you're not around. Texting is a great way to do this. Now, I'm not talking about silly texts saying things like "I miss you!" or "I wish you were here!"

I am talking about texts that do not specifically address any kind of relationship. Anything that mentions anything you have planned, anything you've done together, or anything you hope to do together.

You work with these texts is to take it thinking about you. That's it. You are not seeking approval, you're not looking for a text back saying that a nice guy you are. You are simply plant seeds. And then you will wait for the seeds to grow. You are not going to dig them up every five minutes in despair because you need validation.

What kinds of texts? Texts interesting, exciting and attractive mysterious to leave her wondering. You want to know what you meant. Texts that she will remember throughout the day. The more she thinks of his texts, the more she thinks of you.

Of course, for this to work, you have to have her number. And it helps if you've been on a date or two. If you are sure that it is relationship material, this strategy will boost his feelings for you, then she will look forward to their time together, and I miss you when you're gone.

Remember, just one per day, at most. Never the same time. You are not looking for an answer. These are hit and run seeds. Then your mind will be spinning.

The longer you leave her alone with her thoughts from you, the better it will work. But be careful. Because once it develops those feelings, there is no turning back.

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